Block Root

Block root refers to the foundational data structure that underpins blockchain technology.

Block root refers to the foundational data structure that underpins blockchain technology. It is essentially the top-most node in a Merkle tree, a hashing structure that organizes transactions within a block.

In this structure, individual transactions are hashed into pairs and then combined into a single hash. This process continues until a single hash is produced, which is the block root. This root hash serves as a summary of all transactions in the block and is included in the block header.

This mechanism plays a critical role in ensuring data integrity and security. If even a single transaction is altered, the block root will change, making it easy to detect tampering. Additionally, the block root allows for efficient verification of transactions since one only needs to check the root to confirm the validity of all transactions contained within the block.

The use of block roots enhances both the storage efficiency and the security model of blockchains, allowing them to scale while maintaining trust among participants.

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