The Byzantine Generals Problem illustrates a challenge in achieving consensus among distributed systems, particularly in scenarios where some participants may fail or act maliciously. It involves several generals who must agree on a common strategy to attack or retreat. The dilemma arises because some generals may send misleading messages.In practical terms, this problem highlights the need for reliable communication in a network where nodes can be untrustworthy. If a certain number of participants betray the rest or fail to respond, the system risks falling into disarray, leading to a lack of agreement.Cryptography and consensus algorithms have been developed to address this problem. Solutions typically involve methods to verify the integrity of messages and ensure that a majority of honest nodes can still reach a consensus despite the presence of dishonest ones. This is crucial for maintaining the security and reliability of decentralized systems, enabling them to function effectively without a central authority.

Bybit Removed from France’s AMF Blacklist After Two Years of Compliance Efforts
Cryptocurrency exchange Bybit has been officially removed from the blacklist of France’s financial markets regulator, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers