Multi-Signature Address

Understand crypto terminology within the Multi-Stakeholder Model, where diverse participants collaborate to govern decentralized systems effectively.

A multi-signature address is a special type of wallet that requires multiple private keys to authorize a transaction. This means that more than one person or device must agree before any funds can be spent, enhancing security.Typically, a multi-signature setup is designed as M-of-N, where “M” is the number of signatures needed to validate a transaction, and “N” is the total number of keys created. For example, in a 2-of-3 setup, any two of the three key holders must sign to complete a transaction.This feature is particularly useful for organizations or groups where shared control is essential. It helps prevent fraud or unauthorized access, as a single compromised key cannot lead to fund loss. Multi-signature addresses are commonly used for joint accounts, escrow services, and enhancing overall wallet security.Overall, multi-signature addresses provide a robust way to manage funds collectively while maintaining a higher level of security compared to single-key wallets.

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