
Understand Mutualized Proof of Stake (MPoS) as a blockchain consensus mechanism where stakeholders collaboratively validate transactions, enhancing security and decentralization.

Mutation refers to changes or alterations in the code of a cryptocurrency or blockchain. This can happen for various reasons, including improvements or bug fixes, and is often aimed at enhancing functionality, security, or performance.When developers identify a need for change, they create a new version of the software. These changes must be agreed upon by the community to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Depending on the nature of the changes, a mutation may lead to a hard fork or a soft fork. A hard fork is a significant change that creates a new version of the blockchain that is incompatible with the previous one. This can result in a new cryptocurrency being created. A soft fork, on the other hand, allows for backward compatibility, meaning that the new version still recognizes the older version.Mutations are crucial for the evolution of a cryptocurrency, as they allow it to adapt to new challenges and user demands while keeping the system robust and secure.

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