
Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) refers to the ability of a distributed system to maintain functionality and consensus despite failures or malicious actors, ensuring reliability in blockchain and cryptocurrency networks.

The term “Byzantine” refers to challenges related to trust and consensus among participants in a decentralized network. Originating from the Byzantine Generals Problem, it highlights how multiple parties can struggle to reach agreement, particularly when some may act dishonestly or send conflicting information.In the context of blockchain, this issue arises because nodes must agree on the state of the data without a central authority. Some nodes may fail, act maliciously, or provide false information, making it difficult to determine a true consensus.Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) is a key concept that ensures a network can still function correctly even when a portion of the nodes is unreliable or compromised. Various consensus mechanisms, such as Proof of Work or Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, help mitigate these challenges by ensuring that honest participants can reach agreement despite potential adversities. Addressing Byzantine issues is crucial for maintaining the integrity, security, and reliability of decentralized systems.

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