Multisignature (Multisig)

Mutable State in crypto refers to a type of data storage that can change over time, allowing for dynamic updates and modifications in blockchain applications.

Multisignature, often referred to as multisig, is a security feature that requires multiple private keys to authorize a transaction. Instead of relying on a single signature for transaction approval, multisig enhances safety by involving several parties.For instance, a wallet may require signatures from two out of three designated users. This setup is useful for businesses or groups where consensus is needed before accessing funds. If one key is compromised, the funds remain secure as they cannot be accessed without the other keys.Multisig wallets can also be tailored to different requirements, such as 2-of-3 or 3-of-5 configurations. This flexibility allows users to customize their security measures based on their specific needs and trust levels among participants.Overall, multisig increases accountability and reduces the risk of theft or fraud, making it a valuable tool for those wanting to enhance their financial security.

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